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Rohit Kumar |IIIT-Gwalior | Web Developer | Programmer | Looking for Internship

About Rohit

Rohit is currently studying INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY in Atal Bihari Vajpayee Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management, Gwalior. He has enrolled for IPG course in which both BTECH and MTECH will be completed in five years.


I am currently looking for internship for role of Front-End developer. My aim is to contribute effectively to the organization with my aptitude for problem solving skills and energy to work as in a team while gaining experience and sharpen my skill sets. My passion lies in building scalable, high performance frontend solutions and have a good understanding of UI technologies such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, AngularJS, Bootstrap, JQuery, JSON etc.

Linkedin Github
Contact Info.

Phone No. : +(91)-7049579057

Mail id :


# Skill Area Knowledge
1 Programming Language C, C++, Java
2 Web Technologies HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JSON
3 Frameworks & Library Bootstrap, AngularJS, JQuery
4 Version Control Systems Git
5 Operating Systems Windows, Linux
6 Other Relevant Skill SQL, Android Development, Microsoft Office

Area of Interest

  • Web Application Design & Development
  • Data Structure
  • Design and Analysis of Algorithms
  • Operating Systems
  • Competitive Programming
  • Android Development (Beginner)


Institute / School CGPA / Percentage Year
Integrated Post Graduation (B.Tech + M.Tech) ABV-Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management,Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh 7.75 2014-Present
Intermediate Kendriya Vidyalaya, Dimapur, Nagaland (CBSE) 90.2% 2014
High School Kendriya Vidyalaya No.2 ,Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir (CBSE) 9.4 2012


Developed responsive frontend of a Restaurant web site using Bootstrap framework, HTML, CSS, JavaScript. Website uses bootstrap support of navigation, breadcrumbs, jumbotron, modal, carousel, well, panel, responsive tables etc.

Features: Menu, About Us, Advance table Booking, Login, Contact Us

Github Link: Restraunt Website

Techengers website was on web for almost 1.5 years. It provides one place solution for all the programmers to get information about upcoming coding contests, hackathons and solved code for various programming problems of popular coding platform like HackerRank, Spoj, Codechef etc. It also provides news feed for top and recent news, articles about launch of the month. It was a team project and I worked on developing the frontend of the website along with providing solution to some of programming problems.

Features: Code Calendar, News Feed, Tech blog (maintained by us), Solution to Programming Problems

Github Link: Techengers Website

Personal Book Library which uses Google Books API where one can search for a book and add books to your library for reading in future that they liked on the basis of short summary of book .

Features: Search books, Book short summary, Save book in Library

Github Link: Book Finder Website

Developed a Messenger Chabot that replies to customer queries in multiple languages about Airtel’s ongoing recharges schemes and FAQ. It also help to find the stores near you. was used to turn user text query into actionable data so that bot can return relevant information.

Features: Chatbot replies about Mobile and DTH recharges, Multi Language support, Locating Airtel Store

Github Link: Sevak Chatbot

Developed an android app that alerts user when his phone is charged to a particular battery level.user can set the battery level which he finds appropriate although recommended is 90 percent. Alert will be in form of vibration of form along with the notification sound set by user.

Features: Battery charge alert, notification

Github Link: Unwired Android App

Developed a single page webpage for my resume using Bootstrap 4. I have used breadcrumbs for easy navigation within my resume, Jumbotron for displaying the about section, objective. I have used responsive table and fluid image so that they can be easily viewed in any screen size. To display projects in intact and clean manner use of Accordion is done.

Features: Resume using Bootrstrap, fluid image, breadcrumbs, jumbotron, responsive table, accordion.

Github Link: Resume using Bootstrap

Achievements & Participation

  • Qualified for Snackdown elimination(3rd Round)
  • Got second position in Web Development contest at IIT Jodhpur
  • Topped School in the 12th-Sci Board exam (CBSE)
  • Ranked in top 3 in academics in school (Class 8-12)
  • Won silver and bronze medals in Hackerrank contests
  • Participated in Airtel Whack Hackathon, Gurugram
  • Participated Cyber Security Workshop in IIT Jodhpur

Extra-Curricular Activities

  • Event Head of Squash in intra IIIT Sports Fest Twaran (2017).
  • Member of Event Management team of Badminton in Twaran(2015)
  • Member of Event Management team of MnM in Aurora(2015)
  • 3rd position in Badminton Tournament in Formula inter-IIITM sports tournament( 2016)
  • Second position in Marathon Running in inter IIITM Urja Sports Fest.(2016)
  • Second position in 1600m and 800m Running in inter IIITM Urja Sports Fest.(2016)